Here is my first grade class. I am here. Bet you cannot find me! I can still recall this day and all the fun it held, as well as the promise to come of long hours out trick-or-treating after supper. When I was young, quite early in life, I went out by myself and did not come back for many hours. The year of this picture I most certainly did, and I was all of 6 years old. It was great fun and I had tremendous independence, as well as absolutely no fear. I mean, NONE. That year, in Rahway, New Jersey, I actually went so far from home that I got a little lost. Fortunately I made it home, none the worse for wear. To this day I wonder how my grandmother and mother let me go out like that at night, unencumbered by the worry I have today for my kids. Ah, well. It was a different time, a different place. There were many hundreds of kids all over at the same time, because we are talking baby boomers in full and splendid form. Somewhere there is an alternative universe where kids still roam the streets without the specter of the worst kind of horror coloring the evening.
Way back then we also had "Mischief Night," as it was called in Elizabeth, NewJersey, and "Gate Night," as it was called in Rockland County. That was what we called the night before Halloween. On that night we felt it our holy obligation to do certain "things" of mild trouble making. A rose by any name is still mischief and I got into my share for sure. A bar of soap and I left many an early illustration on many a store window, and, even a few boyfriends' car windows. And did you know that Elmer's Glue and toilet paper will stick to things for, well, YEARS? Me neither.
Halloween has always held a very special place in my heart, although, for years now, it has sneaked up on me every autumn as I am getting busy with the back to school grind and before I know it, I have not had time to decorate at all.
This year was no exception. I am working on the last details for a new book I am illustrating. The book dummy sketches are due tomorrow! No time for carving pumpkins, that's for sure.
Instead, I 'll just share this old picture, my memories, and also a few items from my house that are kind-of in the spirit of the day.
Happy Halloween!