Hard to believe that it has been months since I was able to carve out time for blogging. There were too many projects of both work and pleasure to list here as my excuses. Mostly work, but then again, my work is also my pleasure. Add to that having to keep an eye on three sons in various stages and with assorted needs for looking after, and you can say that the time has flown by. Oh. And the husband. He likes a little attention now and then, too. So I am back in the groove...I think. This blog is supposed to be less talk, more imagery, but, ever the gabber, that is always a challenge for me.
The school year is winding down and kids will be doing different things and I am going less crazy--so much so that I found time to do a little Etsy shopping and antique hunting that I am happy to share with you.
I love any kind of tin litho toys and objects, so when I saw these two little sets of tin dishes on Etsy, I had to get them. They'll display nicely, somewhere, somehow.
I had this little chick. When I saw the chicks on the dishes, she immediately came to mind. My husband saw the collection in the table in the sunroom and asked, "Expecting someone for tea?" What a smart ass.
We have one lone, little tomato head here.
Here is the funny thing: I never played with this type of toy as a kid. I climbed trees, rode bikes, hit balls, played army, and tormented and chased after the boys and tomboys, 'cause I was one. Now, after raising three boys for the last 24 years, I am buying doll tea sets. I am also on the lookout for an antique doll house to decorate. What is this all about?
Honestly, I think it is all about my addiction to having to fulfill my need to satisfy my retro aesthetic. The objects transcend usage. Anyway, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
Cup of tea, anyone?