Been busy getting ready for OPEN STUDIOS at my studio building. Here in Needham there is what used to be a 100 year old mill building that has now been converted into artist-only condos. The group of us is made up of glass blowers, painters, potters, stained glass artists, artists working in encaustic, designers, mosaic artists, and so on.
For the first time, I am actually offering limited edition, smaller scale prints in addition to paintings /original book art and signed books. Honestly, I do not see my purpose as selling things, since most of my work is in publishing and licensing. But I do enjoy offering visitors a peek into a real working studio with real art going on, and I get a charge out of talking about process, writing and illustrating, and children's books.
One of our artists, Cindy Rivka-Marshall is a professional story teller. She will be performing three original pieces during the weekend.
There is a current show on exhibit in our gallery, beautifully curated and hung by 2 of our painters, Olivia Fischer Fox and John Judge.
If you are in the Boston area, drive by and visit. Gorse Mill is located at 31 Thorpe Road in Needham, MA. We are right in the middle of a residential area, so there is plenty of parking in addition to our parking lot. Stop by, meet artists, see the story teller, and have some snacks. And maybe, you can even pick up some wonderful artwork for gifts. The studios are open this month on December 4, 6-9 PM, Dec 5th, 10-4, Dec 6th, 12-4, and on Wednesdays, the 9th, 16th, and 23rd, from 5-9.
See you then, I hope! I am in Studio 102, right off the gallery!
oh ! if only i could be there
i'd love to cap~ture a peek
as you open your doors to share
more of your heartwork i would seek!
for now, though, i am very content
to enjoy my special prize.
it has arrived ~ the book you sent
and it is a feast for my eyes !
thank you barbara, i'm very excited
& though i'll miss your studio sharing
this is a treat ~ you've made me delighted
and i'll check back to see how you're faring : ))
Posted by: diane | December 10, 2009 at 12:18 PM