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    Jan  Kozlowski

    I didn't know you were a Charlie Chan Fan!! How very, very cool! Peter and I have both loved him since we were kids, even with our separate kidhoods. He saw them at Sat. afternoon movie matinees, I saw them on television on the 10am Morning Movie or on Sunday Afternoon at the Bijou. When we got Netflix, Chan was the second series that we went through, Hopalong Cassidy was the first, Basil Rathbone's Sherlock Holmes the third and the A&E Timothy Hutton Nero Wolfe the fourth.

    One of the best things about watching the remastered series through Netflix is that the DVD's included special features with all sorts of cool info and interviews and clips about Earl Derr Biggers, Keye Luke, Chang Apana, Warner Oland and even Sidney Toler. Wonderful, fascinating stuff!

    I also saw and loved Lepore's review yesterday and can't wait to pick up the book! Have you read the original stories? I have a collection I'd be happy to bring you next time I come up.

    Barbara Johansen Newman

    Another Chan fan! I am waiting with baited breath for those stories!


    I've just seen this post, Barbara, and I couldn't agree with you more. Charlie Chan was always smarter than everyone around him - how is that a bad thing? I loved the movies and still watch them when I get a chance. My favorites: CHARLIE CHAN ON TREASURE ISLAND, CHARLIE CHAN IN PANAMA and CHARLIE CHAN AT THE OPERA. (This last one has Boris Karloff (!?) as a 'mad' opera star.) Oh, almost forgot CASTLE IN THE DESERT and CHARLIE CHAN AT THE WAX MUSEUM, also terrific. I liked both Warner Oland and Sidney Toler in the role. Though the later films which featured much lower budgets and Mantan Moreland, I was never fond of.

    Barbara Johansen Newman

    Yvette, thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your love of all things Chan with me! I haven't had the pleasure of seeing a Charlie Chan film in more than 30 years, but it looks like it might just be time to take advantage of my Netflix account and order some in. I'll make sure to look for the films you mentioned. I honestly can't say whether or not I have seen them, but it won't matter--it will be a pleasure to watch them again!

    Yes--I also don't get how such a positive stereotype can be a bad thing. Beats the alternative for sure!

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