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    Ann Marie

    Barbara-I had never heard of the McGarrigle sisters, but I was very interested in reading your post. I was a teen in the 70's and I love music from that decade. When I clicked on the first link, I listened to Proserpina and was moved to tears. In fact, I couldn't stop crying. It was indeed haunting.

    I'm sorry for your sadness. I can understand.

    What you said about the sisters not receiving the fame and fortune they deserved was interesting. Yet they touched your life in a big way! They are not about the special effects and glitz of Michael Jackson. And remember Michael Jackson was a tortured soul. All the fame and fortune couldn't get rid of his inner torment. Somehow I think MJ needed fame and fortune--almost like an addict.

    It seems that the sisters achieved a certain level of fame and fortune, though. They did appear on Saturday Night Live. They must have had a following. I don't know much about them, but maybe Kate passed satisfied with her accomplishments---an artist who moved her audience---who made a difference in your life.


    I don't know how I managed to NOT know who she was, but I do now. Great post, Barb. I'm going to hunt down some cds- I love their sound. I can understand why it had such an impact.


    Ann Marie, I am so glad you mentioned the link and the number. I went over to listen to it and it was, indeed, haunting. It was hard to see Kate as the older woman she had become. Perhaps that was because in my mind she and Anna will forever the women they were in the 70s--lusty and hearty and full of life and love and music and drink. I suppose the reality of my own mirror and age is one I avoid, as well. My heart is still locked somewhere back then, too.

    Liz, I bet you will love getting to know their music. It is warm, and lovely and funky all at the same time. Like you.


    Hey, BArb!

    I had never heard of the McGarrigle Sister either! SO sorry for their loss--and yours! I can SO imagine you sitting there sewing your splendid dolls, while grooving to their music!

    SO sad when the talented leave us too soon. Thank goodness, you'll live forever!

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