All photos courtesy of Cakewrecks
Here is the problem when you like to blog and when you also like to read the blogs of others: it all takes time, and on any given day, I seem to have less and less of it. Truth be known, when it comes to choosing between entertaining myself reading what other people have written or attempting to wax poetic myself and share my thoughts with readers, I choose--you guessed it--entertaining myself! Surprise, surprise!
In the blog post before this one, I wrote about getting in my daily dose of pick-me-up at Awkward Family Photos. Love the site. Can't stay away. Can't stop laughing.
But my other, equally enjoyable place to visit and find a smile on my face and maybe even tears of laughter in my eyes is CAKE WRECKS. Cake Wrecks is exactly that--a blog devoted to the so-called professionally done cakes one can buy in a bakery, supermarket, or wherever, that are, in a word, wrecks. As defined by Jen Yates, the genius behind the site and the book that came out of the site:
"A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places."
Cakewrecks Caption: "Poo-Dolph, the Bulldozed Slain Deer"
I am not overstating how very clever Jen Yates is. While the shots of pathetic looking cakes are silly, it is Yates' writing that makes the site such a treat. Her text, combined with some of the most ridiculous looking baked goods known to man, has perfect comic pitch and timing--if you can have good timing on a blog. I usually find myself laughing out loud in the same way I do at Awkward Family Photos.
As though being incredibly funny wasn't more than enough, right now Cake Wrecks is making money for charities. Here is info about the Cake Wreck Charity Challenge:
"Instead of buying gifts or trees or decorations this year, John and I are going to donate a minimum of $200 to a different charity or worthy cause, every day, for the next two weeks.
Are you up for my dollar-a-day challenge? Then give one dollar each day to each charity. That's it! Together, we can use the power of Wreckage for good, and make a difference for those in need."
Head over to the site and partake of the sweets and go back and check out some older wreckerators, too. Then be generous and check out the various charities and give a buck. Believe me, the kind of smiles that the site will give you are worth so much more.
Er....fair disclosure. If you do not have an appreciation for good old fashioned bathroom humor, the "flavor" of the site may be lost on you. Also, sometimes the subtle humor of the site is best appreciated by we (ahem) sophisticated adults.
Cake Wrecks-FANTASTIC!! Hey that Santa cake is actually very cute in a bizarro way!! Thanks for sharing this.
Posted by: kathy weller | December 18, 2009 at 12:48 PM
Barbara, thanks for the morning giggles! I came over to visit after reading your posts on Surface Designers.
I like Soupy better than Mel. ;-) Mel's too serious. Soupy made me laugh. Laughter heals.
Loved all the funny pics and I did find the squished aunt. ;-)
Happy creating!
Posted by: Diane Knott | December 27, 2009 at 07:54 AM