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    Whoa- Mel and Soupy...uncanny! Never noticed that before!

    I remember Soupy being on TV in the 70's as a kid. I don't remember the shows, but he was hard to forget! It's sad that all the old (original!) TV and movie "characters" are leaving us.


    Oh my goodness. I would have never thought the two resembled each other....until now! I'm never going to look at Mel the same way.

    I also remember watching Soupy on a few game shows. Great slapstick comedian!


    LOL, Vivian, I never looked at Mel the same way again, either! I also think he could use a lot of what made Soupy so wonderful.

    Liz, this particular obit made me feel very sad and very old.

    christine tripp

    I've been having "Barb" withdrawl lately, missing you tons, so checked out your blog. To be honest, hadn't done so before, bad, bad friend huh?:(

    You know why I like you, cause, basically, your me. Not just the antiques and the odd longing/love thing in regards to the past (not my past but more my parents as children, past, say the 1920's and 30's... the Walton's:) but now, Soupy Sales!!! OMG, I missed the sad news of his passing.

    Tara Reed

    I never saw Soupy that I can recall - Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers are my first tv memories. How cool that through blogs we can learn all sorts of cool things!

    And yes - he sure does look a lot like Mel!

    Tara Reed

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