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    « OK, so, maybe I need to declutter a little bit.... | Main | I loved Soupy. Even before I knew what edgy was, I loved it. »


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    Oh this is a *very* cool link! I can hear the hours being sucked away now! Thanks for sharing.


    Jennifer, thanks for stopping by and you are very welcome! I absolutely love Shorpy. Make sure to pack a snack if you visit it....


    I am right there with you, Barb...I love this stuff in a most excessive way! I'd LOVE to shop in that 1964 market!

    Terri Murphy

    Oh, oh....another site I'm gonna get addicted to. Thanks, Barb! You're right about it being a time machine of our youth, or imagining our parents/grandparents youth. One thing I noticed...everyone dressed to the 9's back then.... You might not have had a lot of money, but you had class!


    Hey, Terri and Liz, welcome to my latest addiction! Sorry to be contributing to your list of time sucks, but Shorpy is worth it.

    Liz, I was trying hard to see the 1964 graphics in the supermarket. And gotta love those check out guys in their wrap-around jackets.

    Terri, you are so right about the way people dressed. I would never make it in that world--I wouldn't be able to dress every day in my sloppy studio outfit. I do remember always getting dressed up all the time as a kid. Even just to go downtown. And my grandmother wore a girdle and stockings every day.

    I can count the times I've put panty hose on this year on one hand.

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