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    Loved your trip down memory lane, Barbara. We seem to be going through some similar stuff as I, too, have been streaming music from the 60's and checking out the same on YouTube. The 60's isn't exactly my generation, though, as I only turned 12 in 1970, but I still have memories of roller skating to "Big Girls Don't Cry", or sitting in the back seat being driven to school by a neighbor's big brother, with "Good Vibrations" playing on AM radio like clockwork every morning. The music from the early to mid-60's still was part of the fabric of my youth. Thanks for sharing!


    I enjoyed your remembrances of that summer. Back then the summers really did last forever.

    You did forget to include another magical memory from that summer of Manson, moonwalk and Woodstock: the Miracle Mets! Especially for those of us long suffering fans, the Mets rise from laughable losers to improbable World Series champs through all sorts of cosmic interventions showed that anything was possible.

    A magical summer!


    Back in 69 the wekneed before Woodstock there was a concert with all the same folks that while on there way to Woodstock they stopped and gave a major concert at the Atlantic City Race Track Mostly south Jersey kids and Philly kids were there and of course some of those going to WOODSTOCKNo one took film of that concert but man was it a blast..I was 16 at the time and remember it like it was yesterday. Ive never ran into anyone that know about this other then kids from South Jersey and the local area.

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