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    Hi Barbara,
    I stumbled upon your blog post while "googling" Lollipop books. I am a HUGE fan of these darling itty books as well, and this past weekend I went antique shopping and to my fabulous surprise found and purchased 9 of these precious books. It's nice to know that someone else besides me can appreciate the sweetness of them. I want to research more about the publisher and the man who created them. I wish more than anything they published timeless little classics like these. I am an assemblage artist that creates vintage inspired whimsical creations, and these darling little books have inspired me to want to write a childrens book that is similar to these these adorable short stories and 40's & 50's retro illustrations. :)
    Your illustrations are beyond FABULOUS! Congrats on all the book publications!



    Thank you for those lovely words about my art!

    I am so happy you stumbled upon my blog,, because I checked out YOUR stuff and I checked YOUR wonderful blog and I see we are kindred spirits! I am looking forward to exploring your work and your blog even more tomorrow!

    I had never heard of these wonderful little books until I came upon them in the shop. Are there very many different books? I would love to hear more about them.

    Mind if I link to you blog from my Design Rocket blog?


    marcia Lynch

    Dear Barb,
    What fun!! May I come antiquing??!!
    Happy Belated Bd!!
    Lots of love,


    wow! thank you for the video, i already saw a good reveiw of this book on and now you make me even more want this book!the illustrations are greatly detailled, too bad that i don't really like animation films by dreamworks, maybe it's the story, maybe the animation. but the studios do a really great job on concept art what i really appreciate!

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