From a Chronicle Books tweet (and, yes, I am getting addicted to Twitter even more than Facebook) I learned about this great new book coming out by Catherine Ledner:
GLAMOUR DOGS. DO yourself a favor--go watch the book trailer on YOUTUBE.
There is something about the combination of dogs and decor that just makes me smile. Or maybe it is the combination of dogs and so-called-glamour decor that is humorous, because, when you stop to think about it, the entire concept of glamour is a bit ridiculous in a typically human centric sort of way.
What better way to scoff at the pretentiousness of "elegant living" other than to take a pooch and plop him on a satin sofa, with an exotic wallpaper in the background? Add a wind machine and fur and floppy ears flowing in the artificial breeze, and you would be hard pressed NOT to conjure up any film you have ever seen about models and photographers and how self involved they always seem. Can you stop yourself from smirking when you think about how seriously human models take those glamour shots compared to these four-legged ones? Compare the top video with this one.
The notion of "glamour" is absurd, really. Just look at these dogs. Think they're getting paid thousands of dollars to look every bit as beautiful as super models? More likely a biscuit or rawhide chew. And to think they do it all without makeup!
Mind you, they picked the best kind of dog for the cover shot--a French Bull dog, just like my Itty Bitty Busy Body.
I had a hard time deciding which blog to put this post on. Since my other blog is largely about design, I flirted with putting it there.
In the end I decided it had to go here, because, more than anything else the book sends a subtle message about life and silliness and the things we humans do and value.
Can't wait to get my own copy.
cute puppies and glamour = a great combination! haha! lol!
Posted by: pleasure women | April 29, 2010 at 06:49 PM