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    Well, good to know you're keeping well and busy! "Slow Blogging" is a good thing. I appreciate the article you linked to. Blogs need to fit the person and nature of the blog. It all depends on what you're about and using the blog for. I think that's why I do shorter posts myself. I want to post frequently, but don't have the time and energy to do lengthy posts. Good that you're content with your pace, Barbara! Looking forward to hearing about your trip to Bethel Woods.

    Barbara Johansen Newman

    Paula, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! Hearing from my on line friends is actually the thing I missed most about not being able to bring myself to blog.

    BTW, I visited your blog and I was so very touched to read about your friend Cindy Woods.

    As you may have guessed, I am often moved to write about obits that I read, even if I do not know the person. Now I will stop to ponder yet one more sad loss of a person who touched others.


    I'm so glad you've posted! I've been wondering how you are.

    Post when you can--blogging is no fun, unless you're in the right mindset.

    Have a great Thanksgiving!

    Barbara Johansen Newman

    Hi Vivian! Thanks for stopping by. I thought about you when I was in the market today.

    Things are busy here--how about you? I see you have been writing up a storm! The first sentence of PB is simply lovely! Keep writing, keep writing...

    It would be great to see you one of these days.


    would you mind my asking where he got those adlrobae pointed knit caps? I've looked on etsy and can't find one like that! I need to have it! Those pics are freaking amaaaazing! And he's adlrobae!

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