It's been quite a while since I last posted anything on this blog. I know that and it has gnawed at me. It's not that I imagine that I have a regular audience or anything. It is just that this blog is my way of reflecting and processing things that seem to speak to me. And I haven't done that here for a spell now. And I haven't wanted to. And it's bothered me, sort of in the same way it does when you have homework to do that you don't feel like doing.
At first, I was just caught up in a few distractions. I actually had something very specific and very wonderful that I wanted to post a big blog about, but things got in the way. In September, I had taken a trip to the Museum at Bethel Woods, which is essentially the upstate NY location for the Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, and, more famously, the site of the Woodstock Music Festival which took place in the summer of 1969.
The museum is so much more than a museum about Woodstock. It is really about the entire decade of the 1960s and the incredible changes in society during that time, with the music festival serving as the climax to all of it. If you have not been, you really need to go, no matter what your age or your taste in popular music.
But I could not get to that Bethel Woods post when I should have, which is right away, after I went. And then, the time had passed, and it even got later, with the winter weather rushing down the pike at full speed. So, that is all I want to say about that right now, because the Museum and the site are really worth a serious and lengthy write up and it's better that I push my blogging about my experience there until the spring or perhaps even closer to the 40th anniversary of the music festival itself, when maybe some people will be inspired to go there and have the experience for themselves.
But surely there have been other things that made my wheels turn and made me want to blog? Well, yes to the former, but no to the latter. Yes, I have been doing a ton of planning and thinking and developing projects. I have new manuscripts. I completed a new picture book dummy. I went away on a writing retreat. Lots of good stuff. But, no, I have not wanted to blog. It is very hard for me to say why, except that my blog is strongly muse driven by a need to share. The blog muse has to kick me in the ass and say, "You must blog about this. You must share this." And she hasn't. And I haven't. So that is it in a nutshell.
And knowing that I have not felt like sharing has gnawed at me. Like having a goldfish with a bowl that needs cleaning, so you just put it in an out-of-the-way place so you don't have to look at it. That's my blog. A dirty goldfish bowl. Problem is, pretty soon, you can't even see the damn fish anymore. Is it alive? I was in fear of letting the fish die, 'cause the longer you let it go, the less you want to do it.
Until today! The water is clear, the fish is still swimming, and the muse is back. Why? Because I have been given absolution that it is OK to only write when I feel the need to. In this morning's times there is a nice piece about "slow blogging." Titled "Haste Scorned: Blogging at a Snail's Pace" and written by Sharon Otterman, I am now happy to know that I don't have to blog at a pace that is not who I am. Sometimes I bustle and sometimes I crawl. And sometimes I am in between. And that's how I blog. And guess what--there are others who blog the same way.
Hallelujah! Absolution! Guilt be gone.
Well, good to know you're keeping well and busy! "Slow Blogging" is a good thing. I appreciate the article you linked to. Blogs need to fit the person and nature of the blog. It all depends on what you're about and using the blog for. I think that's why I do shorter posts myself. I want to post frequently, but don't have the time and energy to do lengthy posts. Good that you're content with your pace, Barbara! Looking forward to hearing about your trip to Bethel Woods.
Posted by: Paula | November 24, 2008 at 04:31 PM
Paula, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! Hearing from my on line friends is actually the thing I missed most about not being able to bring myself to blog.
BTW, I visited your blog and I was so very touched to read about your friend Cindy Woods.
As you may have guessed, I am often moved to write about obits that I read, even if I do not know the person. Now I will stop to ponder yet one more sad loss of a person who touched others.
Posted by: Barbara Johansen Newman | November 24, 2008 at 07:03 PM
I'm so glad you've posted! I've been wondering how you are.
Post when you can--blogging is no fun, unless you're in the right mindset.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Posted by: Vivian | November 25, 2008 at 11:11 AM
Hi Vivian! Thanks for stopping by. I thought about you when I was in the market today.
Things are busy here--how about you? I see you have been writing up a storm! The first sentence of PB is simply lovely! Keep writing, keep writing...
It would be great to see you one of these days.
Posted by: Barbara Johansen Newman | November 25, 2008 at 12:54 PM
would you mind my asking where he got those adlrobae pointed knit caps? I've looked on etsy and can't find one like that! I need to have it! Those pics are freaking amaaaazing! And he's adlrobae!
Posted by: Nagihan | June 02, 2012 at 09:59 PM