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    Donna E.

    Those are some racy pics for that era, aren't they? Shoot, they are racy for now. That's a rather sad story, too -- BUT intriguing. Would probably be a good historical fiction.


    Paula Uruburu

    Thanks for appreciating my work -- it only took ten years and lots of detective work. I do hope it will serve as a cautionary tale for our media-frenzied, celebrity-hungry culture that sacrifices young girls for its amusement (this is the teacher in me coming out!)

    Paula Uruburu

    Barbara Johansen Newman

    Donna, they ARE racy! And yet they have a presence that a lot of so-called racy pics of today lack.

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Barbara Johansen Newman

    Paula, I am honored that you stopped by the blog to see how much I absolutely loved reading your book. I enjoyed it so much, that I actually thought about writing a gushing fan letter to your publisher.

    In addition, I went looking on line for a copy of Prodigal Days (guess I'm feeling too cheap right now to buy it at several hundred $$$$) and instead I ended up with "Tragic Beauty" and "The Architect of Desire" to supplement my curiosity about that era.

    I think I can understand why you followed a need to learn more about Miss Nesbit, and why you felt compelled to spend ten years in the making of this book. The dawn of the last centruy is a time I myself have always loved. But it's more. It's in those eyes...

    How ironic that the book finally comes out at a time when our society is so ridiculously obsessed with celebrities.

    Thank you for your hard work and my reading pleasure. Now, I think I feel a new collection coming on: Evelyn ephemera.

    kathy weller

    Fabulous post -- THANKS for enlightening me with the story of Evelyn. You're right, it is SO timely especially right now, in the face of the Miley 'scandal', as you said. How cool that the author visited here too!! :) I'm very curoius about the book and the story now!

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