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    You go girl! Give 'em what's for! Other than Poor Kadir Nelson (who's doing okay today, but that Spike Lee thing must have made him die a little bit inside), I can't name one illustrator associated with celebrity work. I never knew about the WFH stuff or realized That Person only has her own name on the books. What gall!

    Though, maybe it did protect the illustrators' reputations...

    Barbara Johansen Newman

    Pam, many people have no idea about work-for-hire. You are not alone. My guess is that most of the people who live and breathe children's books don't even know about it. You will find it not only for illustrators, but also for writers, especially those who work for book packagers (like when a "higher up" appropriates your idea or sample writing about magic jeans ...).

    It is the biggest travesty when celebrities already basking in an abundance of wealth, do not feel it necessary to toss a few royalty crumbs to the artists who make books out of nothing.

    The best thing to do about this is to spread the word. Maybe a few of them will think twice about being so greedy the next time their "brilliant" ideas for children's books receive 6-7 figure advances.

    kathy weller

    WOW. Great post.


    Hey I saw your new book at TLA. I can't remember the title, but it was an early chapter, with color spots throughout. It looked very nice and it was great to see a name I recognized.

    christian louboutin

    It's so lucky for me to find your blog! So shocking and great! Just one suggestion: It will be better and easier to follow if your blog can offer rrs subscription service.

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