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    This is very cool. Hope you're getting alot of work done!

    Sherry Rogers

    I bought one of these a few months back and it has changed my life!! I love it!! Congrats!

    john nez

    Luckily I'm immune to wanting one... I still like just plain paper, pencils, paints and Photoshop combined.

    And I never wanted a laptop computer either!

    Also I am sooo relieved that I don't have to upgrade to a new computer for years now. I was afraid I might have to... but it turns out the old PowerMac can handle everything I need so far!




    Hi Barbara -- I keep coming back to watch this demo of the Cintiq. I am feeling bewitched by it, but I'm leery of the cost... because what if it doesn't really work for me -- what if I can't draw on it? Is there a way to test-drive a Cintiq?
    (love your blog, btw....thanks!)

    Barbara Johansen Newman

    Hi Guys--Vivian, Sherry, John, Rebecca! Thanks for stopping by. Sherry, isn't it the best thing to come along in a long time? It really has changed the way I work, too.

    Rebecca, I wish I knew how to tell you the way the try one out. That is what my husband thought I should do. But, I am impulsive and I also knew I had to get to work on a job that I needed to do digitally: the next Bones book (the last 2 of the 6 out so far were done in PAINTER) , so I dove in.

    One thing I did know: friends of mine who bought it before I did absolutely SANG its praises.

    Do you work on a Wacom tablet now? This is infinitely better. I find that I am actually sketching right on it, as opposed to sketching on paper first, scanning, then cleaning up on the computer. This has a more natural feel than the Intuos Wacom tablet.

    Feel free to ask me any questions.

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