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    Paula Pertile

    Thank for the kick in the pants, and food for thought as well!

    Angela Cerrito

    Well said.

    I'm sorry for your loss.

    We got a wake up call early in our careers when a friend of my husbands died the week before he was to retire and take a trip around the world.

    We were still in our 20s, but decided that (exactly as you said) life is SO VERY short. A year later we were in China... he working part time, me not working and caring for our newborn.

    11 years and four countries later...we're still seeing the world. Still it is easy to get stuck in a routine and put off the things which are MOST important.

    Thank you for the reminder!!!!

    (from VerlaKay board)

    Barbara Johansen Newman

    Paula, I am so glad you stopped by--I want everyone I know to give serious thought to making life happen now--not later.

    Always happy to kick someone in the pants( ask Ilene),

    Barbara Johansen Newman

    Angela, what a story you have to tell....I went and began to read your blog, and I was fascinated and I want to know much more. I find that the thought of losing years' worth of memories makes my heart ache. And it is something that has been weighing on my mind a lot lately--thinking about all the stuff one gathers in the course of living.

    I know that we are not supposed to be consumed by material goods, but, in fact, much of what we accumulate in our lives becomes the tally stick for our existence. In many ways our lives are attached to the objects we surround ourselves with. Lately I have found myself looking around my house of "things"--I am the consummate junk and antique collector--and I am seeing the record of years and life more than the things themselves.

    When my mother-in-law passed away recently, we needed to clean out her apartment. I came to think how few things her life of 92 years had been sifted down to. I also shivered with dread at the idea of my sons having to go trough my own house.

    And then, last week ,my own father --from whom I was somewhat estranged--died. And I actually asked my half-siblings for something tangible to remember him by. A thing. A mere thing.

    I guess that was a long winded response to your post. Your story has the wheels spinning in my head.....



    Oh, Barbara. Grief and loss are so hard. I wish you and your family a warm blanket of comfort and love.

    Please let me know if you need anything.

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