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    « Next up on the studio tour...Don Tate II | Main | Intermission-- Meme: Eight Things you probably could guess »


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    This poem could describe my house right about now. Gotta love Shel! Thanks!

    Barbara Johansen Newman

    Hi, Vivian! Yeah, this pretty much describes my house at any given time, but especially my studio. It also paints the picture of my two older sons' rooms, 21 and 17.....eeewwww.

    Thanks for stopping by-- I think the best thing about blogging, is discovering blogs that need to be checked out. Now I know about yours and will add it to my blog roll.

    Rinda M. Byers

    You may be interested in taking a tour of my equally messy but far more colorful creative room, in which I both write and create my fabric art! The photo album is somewhat hidden. Go to the RindaWay Quilts page and click on the large stained glass quilt graphic. It's okay to be messy in the creative room, it's okay, it's okay!

    Rinda M. Byers

    You may be interested in taking a tour of my equally messy but far more colorful creative room, in which I both write and create my fabric art! The photo album is somewhat hidden. Go to the RindaWay Quilts page and click on the large stained glass quilt graphic. It's okay to be messy in the creative room, it's okay, it's okay!


    I don't know if you participate in memes--but I'm tagging you just in case. You can check out the directions at "Check It Out".

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    cnjstudio's My Funky Home photoset cnjstudio's My Funky Home photoset


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