For as long as I can remember, I have proudly worn my badge of honor regarding the fact that I have never attended a Tupperware party. “Put this on my tombstone,” I would tell my husband:
In all honesty, I do have to 'fess up to this: once, years ago, I was part of a mothers’ group that got together every week. One week, the mother having the group tricked us all, and, lo and behold, there was a Tupperware hostess primed and ready to demonstrate the latest in keeping food fresh. I was furious and refused to participate. Never mind that I actually liked the sippy cups. There was no way I was going to ruin my record on living a life without doing the party scene for them. I had to leave. So I guess I should say I have never WILLINGLY attended a Tupperware party.
Why the intense disgust? Somehow the idea of throwing or attending a party whose main theme was plastic food storage containers was singularly upsetting to me. Hard to say why, except that I guess I fought organized and mundane domesticity with a fervor, and Tupperware just stood for everything about that kind of life that bored me out of my skull. It still does.
Until now. There is a Tupperware party I am DYING to go to! In this morning’s NY Times there is a great review written by Ashley Parker about a show called:
“Dixie’s Tupperware Party” which is running through June 17 at Ars Nova on West 54th Street.
The best part about this show: Dixie is a guy in drag doing his version of the supreme southern belle Tupperware gal. Even better, is that you can not only enjoy the humor, but you can actually buy the goods. Yes, you read that correctly: it REALLY is a Tupperware Party!
Oh, the pity!!! I do not think I can get down to NY to see this show before it closes. Damn! Isn’t that the perfect twist of fate that I deserve? Finally, I actually WANT to go to a Tupperware Party and I can’t!!
Of course, maybe I will get invited to a party like this one.
Ohhhhhh...I WISH I hadn't been to a Tupperware party! But I have. There's no going back.
Posted by: Liz | May 10, 2007 at 06:03 PM
But, Liz, here's the question: did you buy anything?
Bet so...hehe hehehhe
Posted by: Barbara Johansen Newman | May 12, 2007 at 10:02 AM
Okay this one cracked me up. I too, cannot stand those kind of parties, and did UNwillingly attend one. I think the worst part was playing those silly games for plastic prizes, like a soda bottle
" Kap-keeper " or whatever it was they called it. Yet, the sound of this new 'party' in NY has me thinking how much I would love to attend that one. Very funny!
Posted by: gingerpixels | May 12, 2007 at 02:57 PM
OH, YES- I did. I bought some tiny little 3" tall snack containers that I remembered fondly as a child (mom used to stick them in my lunch). But the new ones are much harder to open; not the same. Sigh.
Posted by: Liz | May 14, 2007 at 09:17 AM