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    Ohhhhhh...I WISH I hadn't been to a Tupperware party! But I have. There's no going back.

    Barbara Johansen Newman

    But, Liz, here's the question: did you buy anything?
    Bet so...hehe hehehhe



    Okay this one cracked me up. I too, cannot stand those kind of parties, and did UNwillingly attend one. I think the worst part was playing those silly games for plastic prizes, like a soda bottle
    " Kap-keeper " or whatever it was they called it. Yet, the sound of this new 'party' in NY has me thinking how much I would love to attend that one. Very funny!


    OH, YES- I did. I bought some tiny little 3" tall snack containers that I remembered fondly as a child (mom used to stick them in my lunch). But the new ones are much harder to open; not the same. Sigh.

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