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    Hi Barbara- I just met Frieda on April 23rd and she mentioned that she studied with Bil Baird. "Thousands of puppets" ! It must have looked like a scene from Fanny and Alexander times ten.

    Michael Sporn mentioned Baird this month too:
    Thanks for the great links!

    john nez

    How odd... sounds almost like a whole different previous lifetime.

    David Seward

    Hi Barbara,

    I was privileged to know Bil Baird, his wife Cora, Peter and Laurie. As you probably know they owned a vacation home on Martha's Vineyard where I live. Bil and Cora and my parents were close friends. Bil would get all of us kids together and draw glorious tattoos on our chests, backs and arms. We once were in a magazine article about Bil. He played the bagpipes and a photo was taken of us children marching behind Bil as he played. He gave my brother and I Charlemagne the Lion hand puppets for Christmas one year. Do I wish I had mine now! I was able to acquire one of two surviving Charlemagne head molds from the now defunct Juro Novelty Co. awhile back. It is just the rubber head without any adornment. I have been looking for one of these hand puppets for years. Sometimes Ebay has some lesser known commercial hand puppets of Bil's. You may want to try a Bil Baird search on Ebay. However, I am particular about Charlemagne.
    By the way, 59 Barrow Street is now an apartment complex. Good luck with your search.

    bob campbell

    to David Seward ... I too was a fan of Bil Baird's work and had Charlemagne the Lion along with about 40 other puppets as a child, however Charlemagne managed to get thrown away by my mom and I too have been waiting for it to appear on ebay. Several years ago I got into mold making and casting rubber and plastic parts. I've managed to buy several molds recently of Hazelle's and other makers. Is there any chance you'd be interested in selling your mold or perhaps letting me make some rubber casts ... I can be reached at [email protected] thanks Bob C.


    I have several of Bil Baird's puppets for sale. If you would like to see them I would be happy to send you a picture of them.

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