I tend to identify very closely with stories and characters. In the seventies, after reading Charmed Circle by James R. Mellow and various bios of Collette, I became obsessed with Paris. I wanted to cook like Alice B. Toklas. I wanted to just hang with artists. I wanted to eat lots of cheese and drink lots of wine.
Down the road when I was reading the "Clan of the Cave Bears" books I started using all kinds of wild fruits and herbs when I cooked, a la Ayla. I think my husband actually went into Wild Berry overdose.
More recently, when I was reading Memoirs of a Geisha, I paid close attention to subtle nuances of being graceful and I actually spent time drooling over kimonos and contemplating how I poured a cup of coffee or tea. Is my wrist delicate and seductive, or do I move like Sylvester Stallone? (answer: Yo! Adrian.)
These and other books made me think myself out of my own skin in various ways. That is the magic of books. I can still taste the cinnamon toast I think I made myself while reading Seventeen as a teenager. For some reason I think someone in that book ate lots of cinnamon toast. Am I remembering correctly?
I also did this kind of stuff as a doll maker and puppeteer. I guess, in the end, it's not enough to read about, or create characters; I like to become them, too. Well, I like to become them if they are likable, anyway.
So what to do if your most recent characters are country music singing kitties? Start singing? NO. People would pay BIG BUCKS for me to NOT sing, believe me. I could grow whiskers easier than learn to sing.
No, I think I have hit upon the perfect solution. I need something from this web site:
And I think this is exactly what I need: http://www.rocketbuster.com/
Buy them!!! They are perfect!!
Posted by: Shennen Bersani | March 19, 2007 at 09:13 PM
Those are the coolest boots I've ever seen, you have to get them if you haven't already!
I know what you mean about being influenced by what you read.
"Under the Tuscan Sun", I was eating tomatoes and drinking wine every day!
"Secret Life of bees", it was peanuts and coke. =o)
I'm catching up on Harry Potter and I would LOVE to know what BUTTERBEER tastes like!
Doesn't it sound delicious, maybe like creamsoda or something???
Posted by: roz | March 21, 2007 at 12:31 PM
Hmmmm. Butterbeer! That DOES sound like cream soda!
Actually, Roz, I coudl not afford the New York boots, but I did order these, with some custom touches for Tex and Sugar:
Scroll down page five and look at the "Happy Trails" style. I'll have them for San Antonio!
Posted by: Barbara Johansen Newman | March 21, 2007 at 01:08 PM
\The "Happy Trails" are gorgeous. I wish I could make it for your visits. I used to live in San Antonio up until a year and a half ago.
Posted by: roz | March 21, 2007 at 01:47 PM