UPS aside, I am very thrilled that I finally have copies of these new books. The new Bones book is my favorite to date. I enjoy doing these books by David Adler because these young mysteries are simple, yet fun and they often have little touches of dry adult humor. I like that he really knows how to paint the picture of a character in very few words of actions or dialogue. This new one has a another visit from "Not-me Amy," a character I really like. Actually, I like all of his characters. I am at work on Book 6 right now.
And then it is a true delight to finally have a box of my first book as both illustrator AND author. I have been showing my two little dog-eared advance copies to everyone, so now this means my parents can actually have a copy, my mother-in-law can get one, my husband can take one to work (should we start "TAKE YOUR WIFE'S BOOK TO WORK DAY"?), I can give a couple to good friends, and my son can take one to school. Working with Sterling has been a pleasure. And I am very happy with the quality of the scans and the print job. It was a very long pregnancy. I am glad this baby's has finally made his appearance!
I believe the Bones book is now out, as of February 15th. The Tex and Sugar book is not officially out until April 1st. Much to do before then to get ready to rock and roll at schools, libraries and book stores. If you live in Texas I will be at TLA on April 12th. I am excited to be seeing San Antonio for the first time and thrilled that Sterling will be sending me down there. What better place to go when you love everything cowboy? In June I will also be at the ALA conference in Washington , D.C. and I am looking forward to that trip, too.
On thing we are working on in this family is a BIG PUBLISHING PARTY to celebrate a year of hard work and the debut of the kitties. We think it calls for barbecue, pulled pork, Tex Mex cuisine (but of course!) , with a tent and country music. Here is one reason: this book started out as one of a collection of small poems I first wrote in 1982, pre kids. Since it was such a long time cookin', the celebration is sure to be a sweet one.
When? Probably early late May or early June. And the invitation will be open! So if you think you might be in the Boston area around then drop me an email. Put your suggestions in the box for the date. We'll need a head count. Everyone is welcome, we just need to make sure to have enough food. I
Of course, we will have country music. Anyone play? Care to perform? Let me know. Or, if you know someone whom you can recommend, we'll hire them.
Speaking of country music:
The Tatnuck Bookseller and Cafe will be holding a special Tex and Sugar day on April 19th, at 11 AM. It turns out that Miss Glori used to be a country radio music director, so there will be line dancing and great fun for all! Do you know how to line dance? Me neither. But I will learn on April 19th! And I will make sure to wear my cowboy hat. And you wear yours, too.
And if you have any ideas, questions, advice, or requests, please send them my way.
Congratulations on the upcoming release and you SHOULD have a fabulous party! I just pre-ordered my copy!
Posted by: Joan | February 19, 2007 at 05:56 PM
Joan, those words--"I just preordered my copy"--- may be the most welcome words I have ever heard. You made my day. Thanks!
Posted by: Barbara Johansen Newman | February 19, 2007 at 06:30 PM