Maybe because I was a wild child, or had full blown ADHD, or maybe because nobody ever really pushed me in that direction, it was not until I was ten years old that I discovered novels. Or, I guess I should say, novels for young people. I am a classic example of a reluctant reader seeing the light in her own good time. So, have hope for children who follow a similar example.
I think I bought my first Nancy Drew for 59 cents. Loved those. I read Charlotte's Web.( Something they have 2nd graders read now).
But my first real love was Mary Poppins.
Not the ditsy, pretty, singing Mary Poppins of Disney. And, I presume, NOT the also singing Mary Poppins of the Broadway show.
No, the stern, but mysteriously magical Mary Poppins of the book by P.L. Travers.
I have not read the books in many years. Still, the mental images created by the text linger ever clearly. I searched the internet for pictures of the book covers I remember happily bringing home from the school library. I could not find them.
I only read Mary Poppins and Mary Poppins Comes Back, in red and green covers respectively. Do kids ever read the books anymore? A shame, if not. I know the books came under some harsh complaints because of racist leaning text, but I honestly have no memory of that in either of the books I read. I think it is sad that the only knowledge today's kids have of her character is the one provided by Disney, which is just plain awful.
Curious to know if anyone out there has also read the books or had their kids read them.
One of the dummies I have circulating around has as the main character a granny that was kind of like Mary Poppins... only not as saccharine as the movie version.
And I have to say there's something about Nanny McPhee that always cheers me up when I watch it. Maybe it's the sound track... or casting the children in the role of evil little buggers that need taming that cheers me up as a parent.
Posted by: john nez | November 20, 2006 at 07:01 PM
John, that sounds like a perfect "John Nez" project! Has it been in circulation long? I bet someone will snap it up in no time!
Keep us posted! I need to drink wine again in your honor.
And if you have never read the original Mary Poppins books, do it! They are wonderful.
Posted by: Barbara Johansen Newman | November 20, 2006 at 11:53 PM
Barb, we have the 4 original MP's here...they were reissued a few years ago with the vintage graphics adn covers...let me know if you want a scan. Our oldest kid loved 'em...
Posted by: Liz | November 22, 2006 at 09:39 PM
Liz, I would LOVE a scan of the covers!
Posted by: Barbara Johansen Newman | November 22, 2006 at 11:33 PM